The world's crazy isn't it? Everytime the news is on, there's always someone doing something cruel. Ever wonder why?
Paul from the Bible explains it best, "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evill" - 1 Timothy 6:10.
It's interesting how something people strive for everyday can be the root of all evil.
I know everyone isn't a Christian, but you have to admit, Paul wasn't lying when he made this statement way back in Jesus' day. It's the truth! The love of money makes people do evil things!
In George White's article "Workers Held in Near-Slavery, Officials Say," my argument is illustrated. There were 63 Thai immigrants held against their will. These people were deceived into thinking they would come to America for an opportunity to make money only to find themselves working day and night for less than two dollars an hour. Even when they paid off their flight expenses, they still were held captive. The worst part about it was that the people responsible for this horrendous crime were Thai themselves. What's the root to this evil? . . . . . . Money! I'm not saying that the people who enslaved these workers are evil, but the wrongful act they committed was motivated by money.
The love of money being the reason for all evil is honestly nothing new.We all know that race was socially constructed long ago. White people wanted a reason to justify slavery so they used race as a way of creating seperation to say that slaves weren't equal to them. Slaves helped the Whites in the South make a lot of profit. They dehumanized the Black people because they knew what they were doing was wrong but they still yearned for that profit. Because the South wanted to continue to have that profit lead them to the civil war against the North. So many people died for what? Money.
The common theme illustrated in all these depressing events is the love for money. Because the Thai people wanted to become wealthy, they deceived and held Thai immigrants by force to work unimaginable wages. There's still unequal pay wages between women of color and White women, why? because the ones benefiting from the subordination are getting the material interest and don't want to speak out. All this evil however is nothing new, because it was the motive behind slavery. Having slaves made a lot of profit for the White men which inspired them to dehumanize the African people.
I really agree with your opinion. I think all the matters come from love of money. However, I think that this is nobody's fault. This human's tendency is very natural because everybody just want happier life. In this human society, if you don't have enough money to support yourself, you can't be happy. Yes, it is sad, but it is the reality we have. We are studying at the university because we want to have a good job or to do whatever we want to do in the future. Ultimately, we are studying for money for our future. I think racial victims of love of money continues to happen unless we abandon the system of money which will obviously not happen anyways.
ReplyDeleteMao Otajima
I completely agree with your blog post. Money has definitely been at the root of all problems since there has been any form of currency, from the time people started making their first trades, wars have been fought for that which society values most. It’s sad how some people actually use their greed as a way to justify the harm that they’ve done. In the case of the Thai workers it is especially disappointing because it is a common thought that being part of the minority in the US they would actually band together opposed to exploiting their own.
ReplyDelete-My-Hoang Moreno
I think your post is very true but extremely sad. The fact is that money is very helpful in life. It does do a lot of good it allows people to give charity. Which is extremely important. It also allows you to have a lot of things in life that a lot of people do have. That is not to say that money is a lot the root of all evil. We see that example with what you talk about the Thai immigrants. Also you see there are a lot of wealthy people that are unhappy. So I think the answer is if you have money you should try to act the right way
ReplyDeleteAiden Gutis
Money is the root of all evil...No questions asked. For a piece of paper, people do all sorts of crazy immoral things. I was shocked when I read the article about Thai slavery workers. How can anyone be so heartless? I wonder how these criminals would have reacted if their loved ones were locked up behind bars to do slave work. We learn about history so that history won't reoccur..but SLAVERY? for piece of paper? To subordinate and dehumanize these Thai workers because they were not fortunate enough to be bless with financial stability is NOT ACCEPTABLE! It angers me that these poor people had to endure such cruelty.